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Professional Chef, Mária lives in Kurimka Slovakia.
Kurimka is a village and municipality in Svidník District
in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.
Traditional Slovak Czech Recipes
Cirak - Slovak Easter Cheese
This recipe is for traditional Slovak Easter cheese that is served on Easter Sunday.
It is very mild in flavor and not like other cheeses.
Milk, Eggs and Salt
Prepare a water bath in a larger pot. Prepare 10 eggs in the upper pot and mix them well. Add about 3 teaspoons of salt to taste. Add 1 liter of milk, whisk the mixture together. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the liquid separates from the fried rice and lumps of fried rice are formed. Prepare a colander, put a thin cloth in it and pour the whole mixture into it. We tie the towel with twine just above the formed lump so that the liquid drips properly from it, or we squeeze out the liquid by hand.
Then we hang up, at least for 3-4 hours.
Lokše is one of the very simple dishes that you can serve on its own or as a side dish to the main dish, especially to roast duck with red cabbage.
We need to prepare:
1 kg of potatoes
300 grams of plain flour
1 teaspoon of salt
Method of preparation:
Wash the smaller potatoes and boil them in their skin until soft, preferably the day before. Peel the potatoes and push them through a sift or through a grinder with dense holes. Add flour and salt to the ground potatoes and mix into a smooth non-sticky dough. Do not knead for too long so that the dough does not start to stick. We make a roll of dough approximately 45 centimeters long and cut it into 2.5 centimeter thick pieces. We make balls from each piece, which we roll out on a floured board into 2-3 millimeter thick patties. Heat a pan with a diameter of 22-24 centimeters and dry-bake the pancakes on each side until golden brown. During baking, we continuously wipe the remaining flour from the pan with paper towels so that it does not burn. Brush the baked loks with hot melted butter and serve.
400 grams of plain flour
140 grams of powdered sugar
2 teaspoons of baking powder for gingerbread
1 teaspoon of baking soda
100 grams of Hera
2 pieces of egg
2 tablespoons of honey
To spread:
1 piece of egg
Mix sifted sugar with pepper, baking soda, melted fat (I put it in the microwave for a few seconds), add eggs, honey and mix it, then add sifted flour. We work so that everything is well mixed. A sticky dough will form. We can work immediately, no need to let it stand. Roll out to 0.5 cm and cut out gingerbread. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C until golden. Not very long so they don't dry out and stay soft.
Brush with egg before baking.
400 gramov hladká múka
140 gramov práškový cukor
2 čajové lyžičky kypriaci prášok do perníka
1 čajová lyžička sóda bikarbóna
100 gramov Hera
2 kusov vajce
2 polievkové lyžice med
Na potretie:
1 kus vajce
Preosiaty cukor pomiešame s korením, sódou bicarbonou, rozpusteným tukom (ja dám na par sekúnd do mikrovlny), pridáme vajíčka, med a zmiešame to, potom pridáme preosiatu muku. Vypracujeme tak, aby sa všetko dobre premiešalo. Vytvorí sa nám lepkavé cesto. Môžeme okamžite pracovať, netreba nechať odstať. Rozvaľkáme na 0.5cm a vykrajujeme perníky. Pečieme vo vyhriatej rúre na 180°C do zlatista. Nie veľmi dlho, aby sa nevysušili a zostali mäkké. Pred pečením potrieme vajíčkom.
Ingredients we need for 10 servings:
- Potatoes 2 kg or about 2 lbs net weight
- Plain flour 1 kg
- 2-3 eggs
- Bryndza 0.5 kg
- Salt
- Smoked bacon and a little lard
Ingredients we need for 10 servings:
- Potatoes 2 kg net weight
- Plain flour 1 kg
- 2-3 eggs
- Bryndza 0.5 kg
- Salt
- Smoked bacon
- Little lard – butter, vegetable or Olive oil,
Method of preparation:
Grate the cleaned and washed potatoes on a grater or blend until smooth, add sifted plain flour, eggs, salt and make a dough. From the dough prepared in this way, we make gnocchi in boiling water. Mix them lightly and cook for 5-6 min. We take out the cooked ones, pour hot water over them, let them drain and mix them with hot fat and broth. Cover each portion with crumbled smoked bacon. Acidophilic milk goes well with bryndza dumplings.
We wish good taste from Slovakia
Chcela by som ti napísať recept na prípravu špecifického slovenského jedla, ktoré sa pripravuje takmer v každej domácnosti.
Sú to bryndzové halušky
Suroviny, ktoré potrebujeme na 10 porcií:
- Zemiaky 2 kg čistej váhy
- Muka hladká 1 kg
- 2 – 3 vajcia
- Bryndza 0,5 kg
- Soľ
- Údená slanina a trochu bravčovej masti
Postup prípravy:
Očistené a umyté zemiaky postrúhame na strúhadle alebo rozmixujeme na jemno, pridáme preosiatu hladkú múku, vajcia, soľ a vypracujeme cesto. Z takto pripraveného cesta robíme halušky do vriacej vody. Zľahka ich premiešame a varíme 5 – 6 min. Uvarené vyberieme, prelejeme horúcou vodou, necháme odkvapkať a premiešame ich s horúcim tukom a bryndzou . Každú porciu polejeme rozpraženou údenou slaninou. Ku bryndzovým haluškám sa hodí acidofilné mlieko.
Zo Slovenska prajeme dobrú chuť
It is the dish that is served at every birthday party, at every wedding as the last meal.
Ingredients for preparing 10 servings:
pork shoulder 3 pounds
oil 0.1 l (0.15 l) 5 oz of oil
onion 0.15 kg 1 Onion
salt 0.02 kg 3 teaspoons
ground paprika 0.01 kg 3 teaspoons
cumin 0.02 kg 3 teaspoons
sauerkraut 1 kg (1.5 kg) 3 pounds
plain flour 0.10 kg
cream 30% 0.10 l
ground black pepper
tomato puree 0.10 kg
Procedure for preparation:
Cut the washed pork shoulder into cubes. Fry a finely chopped onion in the fat.
Then add chopped meat, cumin, salt, ground black pepper, pressed garlic and simmer in its own juice. If we have cabbage that is very acidic, we can rinse it with cold water so that the goulash is not very acidic. Separately, we cook the cabbage until soft. When the meat is already stewed soft, add sweet pepper, tomato puree, cover with hot broth or water. Then add cooked cabbage and mix. Thicken the goulash with the stew and cook together a little. To soften the food, use cream or a slice of butter and serve with dumplings
Ahoj Mike, dnes ti posielam recept na segedínsky guláš. Je to jedlo, ktoré sa u nás podáva na každej oslave narodenín, na každej svadbe ako posledné jedlo.
Suroviny na prípravu 10 porcií:
bravčové pliecko 1 kg (1,5 kg)
olej 0,1 l (0,15 l)
cibuľa 0,15 kg
soľ 0,02 kg
paprika mletá 0,01 kg
rasca 0,02 kg
kapusta kyslá 1 kg (1,5 kg)
múka hladká 0,10 kg
smotana 30 % 0,10 l
čierne korenie mleté
paradajkový pretlak 0,10 kg
cesnak 5 strúčikov
Postup na prípravu:
Umyté bravčové pliecko si nakrájame na kocky. Na tuku speníme nadrobno nakrájanú cibuľu.
Potom pridame pokrájané mäso, rascu, soľ, mleté čierne korenie, prelisovaný cesnak a vo vlastnej šťave dusíme. Ak máme k dispozicii kapustu, ktorá je veľmi kyslá, môžeme ju prepláchnuť studenou vodou, aby guláš nebol veľmi kyslý. Osobitne si kapustu uvaríme do mäkka. Keď je mäso už udusené mäkké, pridáme do neho sladkú papriku, paradajkový pretlak, zalejeme horúcim vývarom alebo vodou. Potom pridáme uvarenú kapustu a premiešame. Gulaš zahustime so zápražkou a trochu spolu povaríme. Na zjemnenie jedla použijeme smotanu prípadne plátok masla a podávame s knedľami.
Slovak and Czech Notes/ Notes of Slovakia -
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